Friday, February 27, 2015

Winter Time Is Here

It has been a while since I have put a blog post up. Since we completed the heavy dirt work on the project on #5 things have been a little colder and quieter around the maintenance facility. "Old Man Winter" has made his presence known over the past couple of weeks. Temperatures have been very cold and the wind has been blowing at a pretty steady pace. There have been a few days where the sun has been out and day time temperatures have gotten into the the 50's but otherwise things have been very cold. The ground has been frozen ever since we completed the dirt work on #5. We are still waiting for some warmer weather and the ground to thaw out so that we can get the final grade work done and get the sod laid. This past week we have been out grinding the tree stumps where we removed trees this winter. Our plan is to grind the stumps and then back fill in the holes with dirt and sod them this spring. Also we have been doing some more annual equipment repairs and finishing up on the painting of the tee markers and cart post for the course. Once the weather breaks we are going to be going like crazy finishing up on #5 and starting a new exciting project that I will inform everyone of soon! You will just have to keep checking back on the blog to find out what it is. It is going to be a huge improvement for the club and will really help everyone with their short games! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

#5 Creek Project Update

Well after a long and stressful couple of weeks and a few setbacks from "Mother Nature" Jack and his crew have just about got all the work done on #5 creek. I have attached a picture below from early this morning showing the finished product. It was a huge monumental task that Jack and his employees pulled off. I would like to personally thank Jack and his guys, Troy McFarren, Trey McFarren, Larry Kettler, Robert McRae for their tremendous hard work no matter the situation or setbacks and it was a pleasure working with them and getting to know them throughout the process. We had several times when things weren't going the way they should but the guys never wavered and were committed to getting the job done and doing it right. Jack should be very proud to have such hard working and dedicated employees representing his company. We still have some cleanup work to do today and some more final grading to do before we can put the sod down. Also we are going to have to wait on the weather to warm up and the ground to thaw out before we can get sod to lay. I am very excited with how it turned out and I think all of you will really enjoy the change going forward. This project corrected a huge problem for us with the rail road tie wall that was failing and I think it turned out even better then I thought it would. Have a great weekend and stay warm!!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

#5 Project Update

Well the weather over the last few days has caused us to have some delays on getting the project completed on #5. It started over last weekend when we received the 1" of rain that filled up the creek and broke our temporary damns. We have been pumping the creek back down over the past three days and have had good luck as most of the water is gone. Now with the recent cold freezing temperatures things have gotten delayed further due to the ice and wet conditions after things start to thaw out this weekend with the warmer weather. We are going to let things melt and dry out over the next three days and hope to continue our work on Monday. We are hopeful that the 2" of ice that is currently in the creek will melt and that the area around the green will dry out so that we don't create an even bigger mess with the muddy conditions. As always I will keep everyone up to date when the work starts up again. Have a great weekend and enjoy the warm weather! After the last two days it will be a very pleasant site!

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Visit From "Mother Nature"

As we always say in this buisness you are not only battling pest,diseases, and traffic but a lot of the battle on a daily basis is dealing with the punches that "Mother Nature" delivers. Well this weekend she dealt us a pretty good blow! We received a little over 1" of rain fall and our temporary damns weren't able to hold back all the water. The rain was great for the rest of the golf course but not so much for our project on #5. Our creek area in front of #5 green filled up with water and we had to break another one of our temporary damns to allow for the water to get out and not cause anymore damage to our green. Today we are hooking up two 6" pumps to help pump down the creek. This process is going to take a few days and our hope is that we don't get anymore precipitation this week, however we are forecast to get snow on Wednesday. The silver lining in all of this is that Jack's crew was able to get a lot of the work completed prior to the rain event and we don't think it will take very long to get done once we get back to work. The majority of the dirt work on the green is completed so our hope is once we get the water out that it will go smoothly and we can get everything completed quickly. I have attached a couple of pictures below. One is from Friday showing the slope in place and the other is from Sunday after the water had filled up the area in front of the green. I will keep everyone up to date as things progress into the week.