Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Lot of Rain

We were begging for it and true to good Ole "Mother Nature" she answered our begging and she didn't disappoint. From last Friday to Tuesday of this week we have received about 3.25" of rainfall. It was much needed to help rehydrate the soils and help replenish our water supply in our holding ponds, but it has made the working and playing conditions very wet and is now causing some challenges for us. Today we are trying to mow as much of the rough as possible without making a complete mess of things and we are trying to blow the clumps of clippings as well. Our plan over the next couple of days is to mow as much as possible and try and keep the rough at a manageable level. I know it is difficult right now to play out of at times but we are doing all that we can right now to battle the wet conditions and growth rate of the cool season roughs. Also this morning we topdressed the greens with sand to continue to help keep the putting surfaces smooth and help with the firmness of the greens. We are keeping our eyes on a few Zoysia spots in our fairways on #7, 8, and 9, that are either in a low area where moisture set all winter, in shaded areas, on North facing slopes, or a combination of all of these that are a lot slower to green up. I think most of the areas will be fine once temperatures and sunlight become the norm and they actually have some time to grow. We have given these areas some extra fertilizer to try and stimulate the growth and have had some good look doing so. However there might be an area or two that we may have to end up sodding out as there may not be enough turf left in the areas to recover. I am going to let these areas sit for another week or two to see if any recovery occurs before we make the decision to replace them. It looks like the weather forecast for the end of the week is looking very favorable and warm which will be great for everyone. Have a great week and I hope to see everyone soon!!

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