Friday, May 16, 2014

Cool Temps as Promised

The weather forecasters were right on the money this week with the forecast. Temperatures have been on the cool side like they predicted. This morning we had one of the hardest frost I have seen and temperatures were 29 degrees at 6am here at the golf course. The up and down temperatures shouldn't do a lot of damage to the turf with it only occurring today, however it doesn't help out our zoysia areas that we are trying to get to grow and finally come out of dormancy. Frosty mornings will set it back a bit but hopefully with next's weeks forecast high temperatures in the mid 80's they will start to grow again and continue to recover. This week we have been extremely busy prepping the golf course for the KGA Kanza Cup event and continuing to work on our sodding and routine maintenance practices around the course. We have had a great week of work and have gotten a lot mowed and repaired and I am feeling good about where we are going into the weekend. Over the last week or so the greens and roughs have started to slow down growing. The roughs is due to the fact that the bluegrass/fescue are starting to shoot their seed heads out and the weather conditions have been drier. The greens is also due to the weather but it is more to the growth regulator application that I mentioned last week. This product shuts down the vertical growth of the grass forcing the plant to concentrate it's efforts to developing a good and healthy root system. This also helps to keep the ball roll on the greens at a more consistent rate through out the day as well. The course has really come alive over the week and things are starting to get into their form for the year. Have a great weekend and hopefully you all are able to get out and enjoy the great weather and play some golf!

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