Thursday, January 22, 2015

#5 Creek Project Update 1-22-2015

Well like they always say battling "Mother Nature" is not a lot of fun. We have been battling her a lot over the past four days on getting the creek area in front of #5 green free and clear of the water. Hopefully by the end of today we should have a pretty good area exposed with no water. We are getting some more pumps put into place and are building some more temporary damns to keep the water from sitting in the area we need to work. The lowest part of the creek just so happens to be right where we need to do our work. I have been asked about why we didn't dig a trench around the low water damn on #7 and let the creek drain out this area completely. One we didn't want to cause a fish kill with any fish in the creek from #7 all the way to #1 and we are afraid that once we dig up the ground around the low water damn on #7 that it will be extremely hard for the ground to stay solid after we are done and not erode back out causing the damn not to work. Also we happen to have a 6" main irrigation line running through our creek very close to the damn and we didn't want to cause a lot more issues. Once we get the water out things will hopefully move rather quickly. I appreciate everyone's patience with the closing of the holes on the golf course. We weren't expecting to have to do that, but with all the equipment, pumps, hoses, etc. we needed to complete the job this was the best option for safety and liability reasons for the workers and equipment. I have attached a few photos below of where we sit today. You will see all the ice and water we are battling. Also this week we have a tree crew in here doing some much needed pruning in some of our trees between #17, 18, and by #4 tees. I put a picture of them as well and all the limbs that they are removing giving our trees some much needed relief and giving our turf underneath some much needed sunlight.

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