Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wet and Saturated Conditons Continue

The rain has not let up over the past week to week and a half.  We have received a total of about 8" in the past 9 days.  Overnight last night we received another .5" of rain.  Needless to say things are rather soggy and wet.  Golf course however is holding up pretty well all with all the rain.  We have had two flood events that caused some minor damage, but nothing to severe yet.  The worst hit areas have been the bunkers and the silt deposit in some of our low areas.  Our maintenance team has been working their tails off cleaning up after each round of the storms doing some washing of the silted areas and repairing bunkers.  Thankfully we were able to get most of the golf course mowed at the end of last week and on Saturday in between the rains.  Roughs aren't overly tall at the moment, but if it doesn't start to dry out soon things are going to start to get really tall and start causing us problems leading into the Wolf Creek Invitational this weekend. We are hoping and praying for some drier weather over the next couple of days to help allow the golf course to dry down and to help us to get the golf course mowed.  Most of the fairways have completed their seeding process and look a lot cleaner after our last mowing.  However #10, 9, and 17 still have some seed heads on them so they still have a little bit of that purple and white dingy color and look to them.  Hopefully we can get out sometime this week and mow them which will really help to clean them up.  Greens have continued to perform nicely during these wet conditions.  Our agronomic program which focuses on keeping our peculation rates (How fast water moves through the green) higher has really paid off by helping to keep the greens somewhat firm and not letting them turn into mush.  This week we are hoping to try and do another verticut/topdress on them leading into the event to help keep them as smooth and consistent as we can.  I hope everyone has been able to keep dry as much as possible.  It seems like every time we get some nice sunshine and start to dry out in moves another round of showers and thunderstorms.  Let's hope this trend stops very soon and hopefully we can get back to our normal routine. 

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