Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Cool Temps and Rain

After some warm and humid days we finally have got a break today as temps are in the lower 80's and the humidity is a lot lower which has made things more bearable for the turf and for the staff.  Along with the lower temps and low humidity we also received 1.02" of rain overnight and into the morning.  This rain will be very beneficial and will help a lot of our stressed areas around the golf course start to recover.  Speaking of stressed turf I know everyone saw Rod's note on us shutting down the new putting green for a while.  We are doing this as the turf is only 5 months old and it is was starting to stress out pretty good from all the traffic and heat.  This spring was a great time to seed the green as the temperatures were fairly good and we got some good moisture.  However the other side of that is the roots of the turf never really grew down to the depths that they were getting as all the moisture and food they wanted were being provided for it at the surface.  We had to fertilize it quite a bit during grow in to try and get it to fill in and have the green ready to open when we did.  There are some areas around the edges where the seed washed during grow in and where it has been exposed to more foot and equipment traffic then other areas.  These areas are being sodded this week as the turf in these areas were a lot more immature then the rest of the green.  As the temperatures start to cool down and the days get shorter the green should recover  and our hope is to open it as soon as it gets it's legs back under it.  We were able to start our tee aerification this week and will continue to work on them the rest of this week.  Holes #6,7,8,9,15, & 16 are complete.  If the weather cooperates we should have most of if not all of them completed by next week.  Have a great week and enjoy the nice cool weather for a few days!

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