Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fall Weather and Rain

It has been a while since I have posted here on the blog. I have been out of town attending an education seminar that I was selected to attend in Clayton, North Carolina last week and then have been extremely busy getting caught up here since I finally got home on Saturday afternoon after all of the flight cancellations on Friday. Our weather over the last week or so has been perfect! Highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s. The maintenance team has been taking advantage of it and have been extremely busy. Our fall aeration program in the roughs has almost been completed as we completed the golf course this morning. All that we have left is the driving range area. I appreciate everyone's patience during this process. I know it makes things a little messy for a few days but it is an extremely important agronomic practice to keep our roughs in top shape. Also we are working on doing our overseeding in a few areas. The amount of overseeding is substantially less then in years past, but we still have some thin areas where our heads don't hit consistently or there has been some animal damage that need to be addressed. We continue to battle the animal damage in the roughs. It has been a battle that I feel we have had pretty good luck with so far this year with our diligence of checking everyday and treating the grub areas before the animals find them and do the digging. We will have to stay on this plan until the frost start happening and the grubs will eventually move down into the soil where the animals can't get them. On Monday we did another light topdressing on the greens to help them continue to stay firm, fast, and smooth. They are in great shape right now as they usually are in the fall and should continue to improve. The zoysia fairways and tees have really slowed down their growth over the past week with the cooler temperatures and shorter days. Like I have talked about in previous blog post I am going to stop mowing and let them grow some leaf tissue to help protect them through the winter months so my plan right now is to stop mowing the fairways unless we get a drastic change in out weather pattern. There is a possibility that we could still mow the tees another time or two since they don't take any cart traffic like the fairways do. I have attached a few photos of the rough aerifier, the plugs after the aerifier goes through, and the overseeder to show the equipment that we use. Have a great week and man what a game last night!!!!

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