Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Perfect Weather Week

The weather over the past week or so has been about as perfect as you can ask for. High temperatures have been in the mid 70's and the lows have been in the high 30's to low 40's. We have had a few frosty mornings over the past week or so which has caused a few morning delays. I appreciate everyone's patience this time of the year during these delays. We have a unique property with the elevation differences and unfortunately #1,2,3,11,& 12 are some of the slowest holes to burn frost off of due to the shade and proximity to the creek. I have attached an informational video on frost and the damage that can be caused by it if golfers walk on it. Since my last blog post last week we have been busy cleaning up after the big 3.75" rain last weekend and getting our bunkers back into shape. Also we were able to get all the rough aerification completed on the entire golf course prior to the rain which was huge. However we still have to do some spot seeding in the roughs on holes #15-18 and the driving range once the parts for our seeder arrive and we can get it repaired after breaking down late last week. Hopefully in the next couple of days we will start to see some good seed germination in the areas we over seeded. I am just starting to see a few little seedlings start to come up so over the next few days we should start to see it. The animal damage caused from the racoons and skunks has slowed a bit over the last week or so. Hopefully this continues and we are staying in front of it a bit and beating them to the spots of grubs and earthworms and getting them treated before they have a chance to dig. However there are still a few isolated areas each day that we will continue to treat and repair as needed. Have a great week!

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